The swimmer won the Best Short Film BAFTA in 2012. seen as a visual poem.
performance notes
- swimming in slow motion, man giving off a calm aura
- He was expressionless, feeling numb, maybe he has an overload of feelings and emotions but unable to express it
- man is very isolated surrounded by water could illustrate his incapability of being able to control his emotions.
- young male vigilantes causing havoc and disrupting the man peace in the water.
- a lot of physical expressions no verbal expression
- swimmer dead, expressionless
This short film is not concerned with the character the swimmer is not given much character and is instead a blank slate for the audience to input character traits onto. We do not get a definitive answer as to why the swimmer swims, however it can be suggested through the use of sound from the loneliness of a long-distance runner that the swimmer swims to better himself and as a way of proving self-worth. Due to there being a little conflict in this film- there is no archetype of hero and villain; the swimmer is definitely the viewpoint character but as he does little other than swim it could be argued that the landscape is the protagonist. However, it could be argued that there is a man vs. nature binary opposition- as the swimmer is out of place in the otherwise natural landscape of the film.
This short film is not concerned with the character the swimmer is not given much character and is instead a blank slate for the audience to input character traits onto. We do not get a definitive answer as to why the swimmer swims, however it can be suggested through the use of sound from the loneliness of a long-distance runner that the swimmer swims to better himself and as a way of proving self-worth. Due to there being a little conflict in this film- there is no archetype of hero and villain; the swimmer is definitely the viewpoint character but as he does little other than swim it could be argued that the landscape is the protagonist. However, it could be argued that there is a man vs. nature binary opposition- as the swimmer is out of place in the otherwise natural landscape of the film.