Tuesday, January 21, 2020

fishtank mr boon essay

An Exploration of the Oedipal Trajectory in Fish Tank

An initial viewing of Fish Tank (Andrea Arnold, 2009) presents the spectator with a raw, uncompromisingly bleak vision of life on an East London council estate. The narrative feels somewhat dislocated and episodic, with Mia, the film’s protagonist, having no clearly defined goal; rather, she seems – at least at first – to ‘drift’ from one scene to the next. This feeling of narrative rawness is complemented by the style in which the film is shot: Arnold, showing influences of Italian neo-realism and French new wave, eschews cinematographic ‘artifice’ in favour of handheld camerawork, natural lighting, semi-improvised performances and an entirely diegetic soundscape. Indeed, the film shares much in common with social realism, a genre popularised by directors such as Loach and Leigh, and one of the UK’s key cinema-as-art exports since the 1960s. Arnold would have us believe that Fish Tank is a ‘slice of life’; an intimate look at the ‘realities’ of what it means to be working class in modern-day Britain. Film, though, is artifice. Whether intricately plotted or ‘improvisational’, self-consciously crafted or ‘homemade’, it is a filmmaker’s representation of reality, and, to this end, open to ideological dissection.

From a Freudian/Lacanian narrative perspective, Mia might be said to undertake an Oedipal journey in the film. Seemingly at war with her mother, Joanne, Mia pursues, and is pursued by, her mother’s boyfriend, Conor. In Freudian terms, Mia is attracted to Conor because she is experiencing penis envy: seeing that Joanne cannot provide her with a penis, she turns to Conor. Conor’s function in the Oedipal narrative is binary, because he is able to fulfil the role of both father and substitute mate simultaneously. Paedophilic concerns notwithstanding (Mia is only fifteen), he offers a semi-legitimate sexual liaison with Mia because he is not her biological father. Mia’s association with him therefore plays on the notion that the Lacanian female child turns to the father to provide her with a penis in the form of a child, and thence to a substitute partner when she realises that the (biological) father is ‘unlawful’.

Arnold is a female director. Feminists argue that the representation of women in film is one of objectivity and passiveness: they are there to be pursued by men and attained at the film’s climax as the ‘prize’, enabling the male protagonist to complete his own Oedipal trajectory and achieve social stability. Freud himself focused on the male subject, and it is only comparatively recently that the female Oedipal trajectory has been hypothesised. Under Arnold’s direction, Mia’s positioning in the film is intriguing from a feminist ideological perspective, and the way in which the spectator is sutured into the narrative encourages identification with her as the protagonist. This is exemplified when Mia and Conor share screen time exclusively. It is noteworthy in these sequences that a subtle alteration is made to the classic shot/reverse shot suturing of mainstream Hollywood cinema.

An example of such a sequence is the meeting between Conor and Mia that takes place at approximately the halfway point of the film, leading to them having sexual intercourse on the settee – in terms of the classic three-act narrative structure, at the midpoint twist of Act Two. In this sequence, Conor is presented from Mia’s ‘perspective’ in over-the-shoulder, medium long and medium shots. As Mia is standing and Conor reclining on the settee, he is also viewed from Mia’s eye-line, with the camera angled down. The effect of this is to encourage the spectator to identify with Mia via distancing from Conor – he becomes object. In the cutaways to Mia, however, she is generally shot at three-quarter angle or profile, often in medium close-up or close-up, with Conor off-screen. Therefore, the effect is to suture the spectator into Mia’s sphere of action, thereby encouraging identification with her as subject rather than object – at a juncture of her character arc in which she loses her virginity. This is not to contend that Mia is not objectified in the film. Indeed, at times it almost feels as if Arnold is challenging the (male heterosexual) spectator through a conscious positioning of Mia as object – albeit one that discourages scopophilia. In the aforementioned sex scene, the spectator is not encouraged to view Mia as the Freudian Whore for sexual gratification; rather, she is presented as the victim of the Mulveyan male gaze.

In an earlier sequence in the film, Conor carries Mia to her room after she falls asleep on her mother’s bed. The diegetic, hyperreal sound of Conor’s breathing, along with the use of slow-motion, (relatively) fluid camerawork and softly-lit close-ups, differentiate this sequence aesthetically from much of the rest of the film. There is a something of a phantasmagorical quality to it, perhaps playing on the notion of the Freudian dream: Mia herself is merely feigning sleep, or is perhaps in a somnolent state, halfway between waking and sleeping, in which she views Conor as a kind of mythologised father figure, carrying out his paternal role whilst simultaneously being the object of her sexual desire – a manifestation of her subconscious need. As Conor lays Mia on her bed, the camera cuts to a series of close-ups of Mia’s body – her legs and crotch, specifically – that commodify and objectify her. This reductive fetishisation of the female body is one way in which the Oedipal male attempts to counter the threat posed by the female: by fetishising the body, it is denied its difference from the male. The use of Conor as diegetic audience to this commodified body also encourages the spectator to identify with Conor. Perhaps this is another way in which Arnold is challenging the gaze of the heterosexual male spectator: the spectator gazes upon Mia when she is a passive site and at her most vulnerable. It draws the spectator’s attention to the underlying ideology behind mainstream Hollywood cinema: that women are the object of the male gaze; passive sites for scopophilic gratification. But it is only when the object is passive that the Oedipal male feels unthreatened.

Compare the sequence early in the film in which Mia confronts a group of teenage dancers on the housing estate. Wearing heavily sexualised costumes (crop tops that ‘point’ to the crotch, emphasise the shape of the breasts and expose the midriff), the dancers are subject not only to the spectator’s gaze but also to the diegetic audience around them – both Mia and a group of shirtless men ogling them from the sidelines. The girls, though, ignore the diegetic audience. Instead, they dance provocatively to camera. They – and, by extension, Arnold – are once more challenging the voyeuristic male gaze. The male spectator feels threatened by this highly sexualised mating ritual[1].

Conor’s own Oedipal journey represents something of a crisis of masculinity – at least on the surface. By challenging societal (and class) norms, he endangers his own Oedipally-resolved social stability via the abandonment of his suburban, semi-detached house and nuclear family. His wife, briefly, kicks him out. But by the time Mia comes to find him, Conor’s wife (an invisible presence) has apparently taken him back: social stability has been restored. The female Oedipal child – Mia – must also conform with society in order to avoid ‘punishment’. Mia’s refusal to do this is borne out in her visit to Tilbury, the suburbia where Conor and his family live. Mia breaks into their house. The camera tracks with her in mid shot as she walks to the living room. A series of quick cuts reveal, via whip pan POVs and close-ups, the paraphernalia of childhood in the room. With Mia as diegetic audience, we share her perspective of this discovery: Conor has been leading a double life. Mia urinates on the living room floor and later kidnaps Conor’s daughter, Keira. In Oedipal terms, this represents the notion of conflict[2] in the Oedipal child when faced with the realisation that access to the father is unlawful. By kidnapping Keira, Mia is perhaps attempting to remove her as threat and take her place in the family unit. Urinating on the floor marks this as her territory.

Mia, though, is punished. Conor tracks her down. He pursues her across a dark stretch of open field, seizes her roughly and hits her in the face before disappearing into the night: crisis of masculinity resolved with the female object passive, subjugated, punished. During the chase sequence, Arnold uses her customary handheld camera, though the movements here are some of the more frenetic of the film. Initially, Conor materialises through a thicket in extreme long shot, and throughout the sequence he is shrouded in shadow. Again, a Freudian reading of this would point to Mia’s subconscious: she has committed an ‘unlawful’ act with her ‘father’. This shadowy presence might therefore be read as a physical manifestation of Mia’s Oedipal subconscious inner conflict, or of the white, male, middle class hand of justice for those who dare raise a voice of dissent against the ruling hegemony. As a woman, it is Mia’s place to be passive and subjugated; to tow the societal ideological line.

Perhaps ironically – given the film’s feminist leanings – this is exactly what Mia does at the end of the third act. The Oedipal female child never fully relinquishes desire for her mother. Instead, in order to conform to society, she must simply suppress her desire. This can be seen in the dance that Mia and Joanne share; a mating ritual that in this case stands for the consummation of desire between mother and daughter. Mia becomes normalised in society.

In the final sequence of the film, Mia climbs into a car with Billy – a young traveller boy – so that she can accompany him to Cardiff. Billy, the owner of a white horse, is effectively her knight in shining armour – and she the damsel in distress. Mia has finally ‘come to her senses’: she has been punished for going against the dominant patriarchal society; she has suppressed her desires both for her mother and father; and she has gone off into the sunset with her male saviour. The Oedipal trajectory is complete.

[1] Later in the film, we discover that this ‘ritual’ is the direct result of male hegemony when Mia auditions at a strip club under the scrutiny of a white, middle class man who runs the place.
[2] This Oedipal conflict is precipitated by Mia catching Conor and Joanne in the act of sexual intercourse. She becomes voyeur, spying on them through a crack in the door until Conor looks up at her. She runs off. It is noteworthy that Conor seems to take pleasure in being observed.

Fishtank- British film


Fishtank- Mia and her mother dancing scene and Mias audition scene.

The strip club audition scene, which may be considered the denouement of Act 3, employs many different micro features to comment on the way in which male gaze operates. The male gaze theory is where women in the media are viewed from the eyes of a heterosexual man, and that these women are represented as passive objects of male desire. However, the female director Arnold holds a mirror to this, by encouraging a feeling of unease as we gaze upon Mia, specifically when Mia is on the podium and the spotlight is trained on her. Normally, being placed on a higher platform symbolises power and superiority. Paradoxically, Mia on the platform seems to have a lack of power; she is essentially a commodity to be used by men. The low angle shot of Mia and high over the shoulder shot down to the judges this allows the audience to sympathise with Mia. 

Josh + Abi - Bed Scene

During the midpoint scene in Fish Tank where Conor and Mia have sex, there contains a shot-reverse-shot which is crucial in understanding the binary oppositions and ideology that is presented. These camera angles align the spectator with Mia as she is constantly in the shot. Arnold wants us to align with Mia as we can fully see the hardships that she is experiencing. Furthermore, during Mia's dancing, we see the camera placed behind Mia, static at eye level with Conor. This shows the spectator that Conor is looking at her breasts and this is an example of Mulveyan male gaze. Also, as we find out later Conor is someone who lives in a middle-class suburban area, it reflects how Mulveyan male gaze is created mainly by middle-class men. In the sex scene, no genitalia is shown as we only see her hands and her feet, which are not sexualised in any way. The reason for this is to present the male to be dominant. Also, her ankles are shown to remind the spectator of how Conor was like a father figure to her before when helping her in the lake, and how it's changed now due to her penis envy and how she is now sexually attracted to him.

xander and ben:

- Handheld Camera.
- Track behind/in/left.
- Eschews multiple cuts. 
- 10 Cuts.
- Tilt down on Mia.
- Very dark colour palette
- Over the shoulder shots

- Binary oppositions (Man vs Woman).
- Mia acts like a child and sits on the floor after being punished.
- Conor is metaphor for society - wrongdoing - gets punished.

- No punishments for the Male.
- Conor gets away with what he wants.
- Patriarchy and how women are used in society.
-She submits to Conors punishment

Throughout the scene when Conor chases after Mia, which is considered to be the crisis before the Act Two climax, Conor slaps Mia as he is punishing Mia for his own actions. Conor is considered to be a metaphor for present society as Mia, the woman, is punished due to the actions of a male and the patriarchal society. After the slap, Mia submits to the patriarchy of Conor as she falls to the floor and accepts her punishment. The camera tilts down so that the spectator can see Mia fall on the floor in a child-like fashion, showing how she has yielded to her 'fathers' punishments. The binary oppositions between Man and Woman is presented via the dark palette as this uncomfortable look of the scene mirrors the uncomfortable feelings between Mia and Conor. As Mia feels used by Conor for his sexual pleasures, she acts on her jealously of not getting attention from her 'father' and acts irrationally. On the other side, Conor has feelings of anger towards Mia as she is trying to 'disobey' him and he wants to punish her for it. This clearly shows how feminism is explored as she is used by the male and is punished for it, even though he is in the wrong.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


what if everytime you are stuck between 2 decisions you are able to go into an alternative universe and experience both and then decide

what if you could change your gender for a day and see the world as a different gender

what if you were  be able to talk to your past ancestors and ask questions

what if you get told everytime  someone thinks about you and what they've said

what if every time your in someones dream your able to experience the same dream with them

what if every time you are stuck between 2 different decisions you are abled to go into an alternative universe and experience them both and found out which one is better.

for example, you could change the situation but in this one.
you're not sure on whether you should go to a party or not, so by traveling to both alternative universes, one being you making the decision to go to the party and when you get to the party you get hospitalised from a alcohol poisoning but you still enjoyed the party, and the other alternative universe would be you staying home and watching Netflix with your own solitude and accidentally burning yourself with hot water from the kettle, which then you also get hospitalised.

both outcomes you end up in the hospital

but which one would you prefer?

could make it interactive


youth culture

Alcohol addiction
-struggling to comes to term that you have an addiction and the journey of self-awareness and turning yourself in for aa


- from the families perspective struggling with having an individual who struggles with alcohol addiction and who cant come to terms with it,and the family comes up with strategies to help the indiviual b

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

question: To what extent do aesthetic Qualities contribute to the impact of your two chosen films?

In Pan's Labyrinth and City Of God Aesthetic qualities such as cinematography and Mise-en-scene help to contribute to the overall effect the film has on the spectator.

Specifically, in the city of God foot shooting scene, Meirelles uses aesthetic qualities such as cinematography and mise-en-scene to present the themes of violence and power and how they manifest themself into the Rio de Janeiro slums. Cinematography played a big role in how the characters were portrayed, especially the fast pace handheld camera, gives the sense of chaos and unpredictability of the camera is aligned with the unpredictability of steaks decisions making on whether or not he should shoot the young boy. As well as the extreme closeups on the 2 boys distressed faces this gave the effect of claustrophobia and allows the spectator to sympathize with the children's sense of fear. It then transitions to a high canted angle shot of the gang interrogating the boys this angle gives the effect of a CCTV camera this amplifies the crime that's about being committed. Because it replicates the evidence that may be used against them. Aesthetically, the handheld camera shots, combined with the high-angles and the over-saturated, grainy look of the film, imbuing it with a documentary feel, almost as if it is war reportage.

In pans labyrinth, del toro uses aesthetic qualities such as mise-en-scene and cinematography to illustrate themes of the patriarchal society and power. specifically in the feast scene, del toro starts This scene placing Vidal at the head of the table displays the visual hierarchy and encapsulates the patriarchal society, specifically lots of women maids serving the food.
and his followers are either side of him, which further elevates him because he is the main attraction, his wife is also seated on the left side of him, not opposite him this suggests she is catering to his needs and isn't equal in their relationship. The mise-en-scene furtherly elevates this specifically, the fire behind Vidal gives off a slight orange/red filter which has connations of the devil and hell, this then portrays Vidal as an evil being. the cinematography shows the power tension and the tension between the men and women, specifically, when Carmen reaches for the captain's hands he removes it away, displaying coldness and the camera racks from Vidal to carmen displaying carmens distraught. Mercedes touches carmen shoulder putting the attention back to carmen but the shot still contains Vidal, this encapsulates how Vidal has utmost control over carmen, it also shows his awareness to what's happening, he gives Ominous stare towards carmen and Mercedes both women.

Another key scene that has distinctive aesthetic qualities in the city of god is the opening montage scene and 360 shot of the rocket.  The opening scene introduces the audience to the film and gives us visual signifiers of what's to come. The first opening shot depicts an extreme closeup of a kitchen knife being sharpened, we see this image intercut a few times. This successfully introduces the idea of violence. A knife is seen as an everyday object so its evident that violence is going to be a recurring theme in this film. in terms of colour, it's very cold with a range of blues and greys, making up the colour palette. The opening scene uses "colour isolation" in a couple of shots, this is when only one colour is present and the other colours are dulled down almost to monochrome. This is especially evident when a young female is cutting a carrot. The orange colour of the carrot is extremely vivid and portrays the idea of freshness as well as the mass killings of the chicken was in vivid colour this sets up the assumption that they're in an urban setting, and that its a cold and unfriendly place. However, there are several displays of rich vivid colour in the opening scene, for example, the spices. this is a representation of the more traditional side of Brazil, but its use more to show us that it's not your typical representation that will be shown. These aesthetic qualities help contribute to the overall effect of the film on the spectator because of the give a snapshot of what the basis of what the film will be about.

Also, the 360-degree shot reflects a time-jump, as the camera winds around rocket anti-clockwise to represent, going back in time and a representation of rocket feeling trapped. As time rewinds we see a rocket in the sixties with a yellow saturation instead of the blue which was originally in the present Rio de Janeiro. Yellow aesthetically is deemed to be a happy colour and connotes a calmer time in the favelas. Meirelles uses filters to indicate the passing of time. Meirelles uses his cinematographic skills to represent the poverty and the true reality of the city of God through the grittiness and the use of natural light this perhaps signifies the poverty in the slums and the lack of electricity, furthermore, this demonstrates how the aesthetic qualities in the city of god can contribute to the overall feel it has on the spectator.

Bonnie and Clyde essay