Anton Chigurh - Javier Bardem
Llewelyn Moss - Josh Brolin
Sheriff Ed - Tommy Lee Jones
Micro Elements
- Slow-paced editing,
- He is mostly in the shot,
- Diegetic sound,
- Multiple tracking shots,
- Close-up,
- The brightness of the trees emphasise his new path of life, the darkness around him is brightened up by the new money,
- The camera shot makes it look like we are watching what he is watching,
- The shiny gun expresses how the new world is affecting the old world in a bad way.
- Huge colour contrast.
- We start as a passive spectator and we watch Llewelyn look for the 'last man standing'.
- We become an active spectator as we start to wonder why the man has the money, and start to think about why Llewelyn takes the money.
- The old world affects the new world, and Llewelyn is stuck in between.
- Later on, society punishes him because he tries to reach for the American Dream, by stealing the money that is not his.
Micro Elements
- Over the shoulder the shot
- Kuleshov effect
- Long cuts
- Bright green compared to bland colours.
- America is greater and brighter than in other places.
- Very quick speaking, confrontational.
- Siding against the officer, due to his confrontation.
- Passive spectator, towards the end we become active because we anticipate a reaction from the officer.
- American is greater than in other countries.
- People gain special treatment due to the wars they fought.
- The old world is deteriorating, as the new world do not praise those who fought for the country in the past.
Micro Elements
- Kuleshov effect- once Javier says something it then changes shot to the shopkeeper showing his surprised expression to Javier's psychopathic prepositions.
- Slow-paced editing
- Over the shoulder shot
Spectator- We are an active spectator, his hectic nature is unhinged - we cannot anticipate his actions. He puts his responsibility on the coin (chance) instead of himself, therefore not allowing his murders he committed to psychologically affect him.
- He uses the coin as a tool to demonstrate his philosophy of life, especially the ways in which fate, chance, and free will function in determining the outcome of one’s life.
- He uses the coin as a way of taking responsibility for his actions.
- In one sense, the act of choosing heads or tails is a hyperbolic example of the way in which each and every choice we make has outcomes, which lead us toward our end.
20th October 2020
- The colour difference between Anton and the Officer.
- The voice-over expresses a sense of calmness as
- Distinguish the antagonist: (Good vs Evil)
- Law vs Outlaw
- Míse-én-scene - makes you feel sorry for him.
- Old vs New - Outlook/attitude/values
- Things changing/getting worse
- Bell is overwhelmed
- Sheriff looks to Ellis for support as a mentor
- 'This country is hard on people'
analyse how key elements of film form enhance your understanding of the films' ideologies
In No country for old men the coin toss sequence between Anton and the gas station cashier, its evident that the cohen brothers incorporated Kuleshov effect which once Anton says something it then changes shot to the cashier showing his surprised expression to Javier's psychopathic prepositions. Which the spectators are aligned with the cashier and because of javiers unpredictability the spectator is unsure what javiers next step would be, as well as the slow-paced editing which is in real time without cuts,which furtherly intensifies the energy between them.
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